CNI News

12 January 2024

The position of National Security Adviser given to the Minister of Interior Lt-Gen Yar Pyae was transferred to General Moe Aung, the State Administration Council (SAC) reported on 8th January 2024. 

Lt-Gen Yar Pyae has still taken many responsibilities as a member of the SAC, as the Minister for Home Affairs and as the chairman of the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC).

General Moe Aung, who was appointed as a replacement for Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, was the Navy Chief, and Chief of Staff (Navy) Lt- Gen Zwe Win Myint was promoted to the position of Chief of Defense Staff (Navy). General Moe Aung will serve as the National Security Advisor and as the Union Minister for the Office (4) of the Chairman of the SAC.

U Ko Ko Hlaing has been appointed as the Union Minister for the Office (1) of the Chairman of the SAC and U Aung Naing Oo for the Office (2), the SAC reported on 8th January 2024.