CNI News

10 January 2024

The Tatmadaw would not kind of allow Lashio to be captured, U Thet Zaw, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News. 

In Lashio, there is an Air Force Base as well as a regional military headquarters.

" The Tatmadaw won't allow Lashio to be captured. In Lashio, there is an Air Force Base as well as a regional military headquarters. But I still don't know how they will defense. I haven't heard Kutkai has been captured. I heard that they had to give Laukkai as a compromise. But I don't know about it exactly. They don't release news exactly as well. Chinese mediation is a bit important. And ASEAN comes and negotiates. I don't think it will be very effective." said U Thet Zaw to CNI News.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance (MNDAA,TNLA and AA) launched Operation-1027 on 27th October, 2023 in the northern part of Shan State and was able to capture most of the towns including Chin Shwe Haw, Kunlong, Kon Kyan, Namkham, Mang Ton, Nangsan, Laukkai and Namtu in the northern part of Shan State and has controlled the China-Myanmar border trade route.

The current problem arose because the political problem was not solved by political means, but now it was too late to solve the political problem with political means, U Kyi Myint, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" Rather than whether having too much or too little power, tactics and public support is important as well. The main is public desire. The Tatmadaw forces have surrendered by the hundred in Rakhine State. Soldiers' families also have difficulties in their livelihood. Prices have risen sharply. Soldiers' wives find it difficult to make ends meet. In fact, solving the political problem by military means was wrong. But now it's too late to solve the political problem by political means. In my opinion, They (MNDAA, TNLA and AA) will capture (Lashio) if they can." he said.

Lashio is the capital of northern Shan State and very important to the China-Myanmar border trade. Moreover, the Tatmadaw's Northeastern Command is located in Lashio and the command is mainly responsible for defense, security and military affairs of the regions in northern Shan State.