CNI News
4 January  2024

The National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) and the three brotherhood northern alliance (MNDAA, TNLA and AA) will meet for the third time in Kumming, China, according to individuals close to both sides.

The meeting will be held on from 7th to 9th January. The first meeting was held during the first week of December in 2023, and the second, on 23rd and 24th December, 2023.

It was reported that the meeting was ten minutes long only and no agreement was reached from the meeting. However, the meetings lasted more than 50 minutes and at the first meeting, both sides agreed to temporary ceasefire and at the second meeting, discussion was conducted about demanding territories, individuals close to both sides told CNI News.

" The two times of meeting have been conducted and the third meeting is to be held. The two meetings lasted over 50 minutes. The first time was to cease fire and the Three Brotherhood Alliance signed." they said.


While seeing leaders from the Three Brotherhood Alliance

In cooperation with the Bamar People Liberation Army (BPLA), the People's Liberation Army (PLA), PDFs led by Bo Nagar, Mandalay People's Defense Force (MDY-PDF) and the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF), the Three Brotherhood Alliance launched the Operation-1027 on 27th October 2023.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance and its allies have captured the Tatmadaw camps in Namkham, Thibaw, Hsenni, Chin Shwe Haw, Kyukote, Nangsan, Mang Ton, Namtu, Laukkai, Kutkai, Mong Ngor, Phaung Sai, Mong Ko Townships and controlled some townships.

The NSPNC and the Three Brotherhood Alliance will meet in China on from 7th to 9th January, 2024 for the third time for the cessation of the battles and for the regional stability.