CNI News
30 December 2023

Six month period extended by the State Administration Council will expire on 31st January 2024. After that, the SAC should form a coalition government, which EAOs have advised, Sao Khun Seng a person who is participating in the peace process, told CNI News.

The emergency period was extended for another six months at the meeting of the National Defense and Security Council that was held on 31st July 2023 under the section. 425 of the constitution.

Although the SAC could extend the emergency period for another six months in accordance with the law, some EAOs advised the SAC to form a coalition government that would contain individuals whom EAOs and political parties have nominated, Sao Khun Seng told CNI News.

" There are two types for the time being. The first one is to extend the emergency period for another six months. Secondly, when the six month period that was extented for the second times expire in February 2024, after the National Defense and Security Council meeting is held, the State power will be handed over to the acting president again. And then, the acting president will form a new government. If possible, the SAC wants to hold a general election. If they can't hold the election, they have to find a way. We can't guess which way they will find. But some EAOs have advised that when the current six month period expires, form a coalition government which will contain individuals whom political parties and EAOs recommend or nominate. And then, the government will have to lay down the federal policies to rule the country. After laying down the federal policies, the government will have to amend or abolish the constitution. And then, if there is a constitution that is agreed by everyone, a general election can be held." said Sao Khun Seng.

Although some EAOs have suggested the chairman of the SAC to form a coalition government, how he would react to the suggestion has not been known yet, said Sao Khun Seng.

Although the SAC has taken the power for almost three years after announcing the state of emergency, it is still weak in making the country stable, said a politician.

Due to the current domestic armed conflicts, the people were facing crises and it was necessary to solve the political problems by political means, U Thar Tun Hla, chairman of the Arakan National Party, told CNI News.

" The SAC has taken the power for almost three years. But the people haven't been able to live peacefully. The SAC needs to understand the sufferings of the whole country. In fact, we are experiencing political problems. So, we need to solve the problems by political means." said U Thar Tun Hla.

The Tatmadaw toppled down the NLD government on 1st February 2021, saying that the NLD was trying to form a government without solving the ballot dispute that took place in the 2020 general election. And then, the Tatmadaw has taken the power after announcing the state of emergency.

And then, the SAC extended two times of six months after one year. Moreover, according to the section-425, it extended two times of six months and it will expire on 31st January 2024. It is not known yet what the SAC will do next.