CNI News

27 December 2023

Summer paddy cultivation could be reduced in some townships of Ayeyarwady Region where the most cultivation of it is located this year, said farmers. 

It was not necessary to pump river water in the previous years for the summer paddy cultivation. However, this year, it is necessary to pump river water because the tides are lower reportedly.

Moreover, it is difficult to buy fuel. So, because the cost would be higher, summer paddy cultivation would be reduced, U Aye Naing, a farmer from Bogale Township, told CNI News.

" This year summer paddy cultivation will be reduced for sure. We can grow on the low lying farms only but not on the higher lying farms because we have to use fuel when we have to pump river water. Although fuel is available, the cost will become higher. So, farmers won't make a profit. We didn't have to pump river water in the previous years." said U Aye Naing. 

While seeing a fuel station

There are 17 million acres of summer paddy cultivation in Ayeyarwady Region and it is grown in Bogale, Pyapon, Dedaye, Maubin, Nyaungdon and Labutta Townships where there are low lying farms reportedly.

Although the yield of summer paddy is more than that of rainfed paddy in some townships, the yield of summer paddy in other townships is just 30 or 40 baskets per acre. So, it was difficult to grow summer paddy, said farmers.

The Myanmar Rice Federation and regional government organizations should support the farmers whose costs are rising due to having to pump river water and the farmers who need fuel, U Thein Aung, chairman of the Farmers Development Association, told CNI News.

"The MRF should direct the regional rice mills and rice traders to help the farmers and the township administration councils concerned need to take care of contract farming. It depends on their qualifications." he said.

While seeing farmers

Most of regions and states are currently weak in cultivation in Myanmar due to territorial instabilities. However, because Ayeyarwady Region is stable, the farmers there needed to grow, pointed out the Farmers Development Association.

When the rainfed paddy was harvested this year, the farmers enjoyed good prices. Because the prices of summer paddy would be good, the farmers should grow summer paddy more, said U Thein Aung, chairman of the FDA.