CNI News.

22 December 2023

Although about 900,000 Myanmar people in Thailand have registered in the name list, when they apply for CI (certificate of identity) books, because they have to pay the income tax for six months, some Myanmar migrant workers might decide to become illegal migrant workers, those who are helping in the affairs of the workers told CNI News.

Thai government allowed undocumented migrant workers to register in the name list and at that time, Myanmar migrant workers did not have to pay the income tax. So, many Myanmar migrant workers registered in the name list with their employees.

Myanmar Ministry of Labor has stated that it will issue CI books to about 900,000 Myanmar migrant workers and they must pay the income tax.

" Those who are registered in the name list - if they don't want to apply for CI, their legitimacies have been void. According to the law, a worker is allowed only if he has necessary evidence documents. On the other hand, the workers have to pay the tax. Some migrant workers might have decided to become illegal workers because it' s getting more difficult for them without having a mechanism that will resolve their difficulties. Collecting tax will be attached to passport renewal and visa issues." said U Moe Kyaw, associate general secretary from the Yaung Gyi Oo Workers Association, to CNI News.

However, because there are Myanmar migrant workers who want to legally work, they will pay the income tax after applying for evidence documents, said the people who are carrying out the affairs of workers.

Migrant workers who come and register in the name list

There were Myanmar migrant workers who decided to become illegal workers after 2021 when the political changes started because  it was difficult for them to apply for CI books and it cost them a lot of money.

Those who are carrying out the affairs of migrant workers pointed out that the process of applying for CI books which Myanmar and Thailand are collaboratively working should be abolished because it is not beneficial to the migrant workers.

" The process contains medical checks up, work permits and visa. But many workers don't participate in the process because they can't afford. Real cost for a CI book is just 300 bahts according to the law. Service charge is 10 bahts. But in practice, it can cost you around 10,000 bahts. To tell you frankly, we don't like CI. It will be more convenient if PJ (passport of job) or red passport is issued." said Ko Naing Naing Aung, director of the Arakan Workers Organization.

The certificate showing that income tax has already been paid must be shown when a passport is renewed or applied, a CI book is applied or renewed, a power of attorney is applied, an Overseas Worker Identification Card (OWIC) is applied and a U-turn process is applied.