CNI News

20 December 2023

The Naga Traditional New Year Festival is held on 15th January every year,But not to hold the coming festival and if the festival was held, the security of the festival would not be guaranteed, the Naga People's Defense Force (NPDF) warned in its statement released on 18th December. 

Preparations are being made to hold the festival in the Naga Self-Administered Zone of Sagaing Region.

The Naga Traditional New Year Festival is a festival celebrating the Nagas' friendship, unity, traditional custom and the great history and tradition of the Nagas. 

However, because of the current political situations, it should be considered that celebrating festivals would be become a black mark for Nagas in the history of the future, said in the NPDF's statement.

Year Festival held on 15th January 2023

" While ethnic brothers living in other parts of the country are suffering from the effects of war, if Naga people will be holding the festival, they will not sympathize with ethnic brothers who are suffering from war and disagreements may occur." said in the statement. 

Moreover, the NPDF requested responsible Naga elders and Naga nationalities not to hold the festival after inviting Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing or any senior official of the State Administration Council.

If SAC officials were invited and the festival was held, the NPDF would not guarantee the security of the festival and individuals who organized the festival must be fully responsible for damages, said in the statement released by the NPDF.

While seeing the statement released by the NPDF

The festival is often attended by heads of state and tourists from local and abroad. The Naga Traditional New Year Festival that was held in Lahe Town on 15th January 2023 was attended by Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC.

There are Naga armed groups namely the National Socialist Council of Nagaland Khaplang Yung Aung (NSCN-K-YA), the National Socialist Council of Nagaland Khaplang Ang Mai (NSCN-K/AM), the Eastern Naga National Organization (ENNO)/ the Eastern Naga Defense Army (ENDA) and the Naga People's Defense Force (NPDF).