CNI News

16 December 2023

Revolutionary forces would go until they reach the goal, combining Spring Revolution with the Operation-1027 that was being waged by the Three Brotherhood Alliance (MNDAA, TNLA and AA), U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

The National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) of the State Administration Council held talks with the Three Brotherhood Alliance in Kunming, China through the Chinese mediation to stop battles a few days ago.

Three Brotherhood Alliance stated on 12th December that it would carry out in cooperation with the entire people until they reach the common goal. According to the statement released by the Three Brotherhood Alliance, they had kept their promise that they would take part in the Spring Revolution to the end, U Than Soe Naing told CNI News.

While showing that Chin Shwe Hao town has been controlled by the MNDAA

" The Three Brotherhood Alliance will combine their operation-1027 with the Spring Revolution and because they have confirmed again that they will take part in attempts to eradicate the military dictatorship until they reach the goal. So, we have understood that the public has nothing to worry about the rumors and news that emerged. It's an effective step politically." he said.

The battles have been breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State since the Operation-1027 was launched by the Three Brotherhood Alliance on 27th October.

The Bamar People Liberation Army (BPLA) and the Mandalay People's Defense Force (MDY-PDF) also have participated in the Operation-1027.  

While seeing comrades from the BPLA

However, if the Tatmadaw used its reserve forces, the Three Brotherhood Alliance's troops would retreat, Dr.Aung Myo, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" They must say that it is a common goal because the TNLA and the AA had to attack the Tatmadaw in Theinni, Naunghkio and Lashio to cut the path so that the MNDAA could capture Chin Shwe Haw and Kunlong. When the MNDAA achieves his goal, it cannot say that it will no longer participate. It must say so ethically. In fact, the Tatmadaw has not yet used strategic reserve forces. I don't know why. If the Tatmadaw use them, the Three Brotherhood Alliance will retreat." said Dr.Aung Myo.

Due to the Three Brotherhood Alliance's operation, the battles have been breaking out severely since 27th October and there are heavy weapons fire and airstrikes.