CNI News

15 December 2023

More and more financial frauds have increased among Myanmar citizens in Malaysia, those who are helping Myanmar people there told CNI News. 

Scammers are mainly lying in the matters relating to employment and evidence documents, U Barbu Gyi, a person helping in the affairs of Myanmar citizens, told CNI News.

" Many financial frauds are taking place in Malaysia. Mainly, It is Myanmar people who are causing trouble to other Myanmar people. Some Myanmar people call other Myanmar people, saying that they would get jobs. And then, they are put in one place together. And then, they are made to ask money from Myanmar. It's like kidnapping. They are doing like rogues." he said.

This is because Myanmar people are very gullible and act without considering the possibility or impossibility of a matter, pointed out the people helping in the affairs of Myanmar citizens.

While seeing Myanmar migrant workers

Because employments have been currently scarce in Malaysia and difficulties have arisen, financial frauds probably have increased.

Because the jobs are scarce at present, scammers take the victims to a place after asking 500 to 1,000 ringgits, saying where there are jobs. But when the victims arrived there, there is no job. They get into trouble. If you have a passport, you can apply for a work permit. 

“Scammers forge passports and lie, asking 1,500 to 3,000 ringgits. Soon after the Covid-19 pandemic, new labors were needed. Anyone was employed. But After a new government took power, new labors are recruited according to only G2G agreement. 

Especially, labors from Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines are recruited, but Myanmar workers are not included. There, those who with work permits get jobs. Most Myanmar workers without the permits have been jobless." said U Nyi Nyi Lwin, director of the Center for Arakan Refugees, to CNI News.

While seeing Myanmar migrant workers

Arrests have increased than before in Malaysia, according to the people helping Myanmar people. Moreover, because a lot of the Covid-19 infections has also significantly reoccurred in the last few days, Malaysian Ministry of Health has requested to resume Covid-19 protective measures.

So, Myanmar workers in Malaysia should follow the Covid-19 protective measures, suggested the people who are helping in the affairs of Myanmar citizens in Malaysia.