CNI News

14 December 2023

The political community is reviewing if the meeting between the State Administration Council and the three northern groups aka the Three Brotherhood Alliance _ the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Arakan Army (AA) change the revolution. 

The National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) and the Three Brotherhood Alliance met in Kunming, China to stop battles through the Chinese mediation.

He wanted all the stakeholders to think about the stability for the entire country and the public also wanted a peaceful country, Dr.Aye Maung, chairman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP) told CNI News.

While seeing people fleeing from Laukkai City due to the battles between the Tatmadaw and the Three Brotherhood Alliance

" I accept the peace. I want all the stakeholders to think about the peace and stability for the whole Myanmar. I want China and India to help think about. If the SAC bravely offered a political compromise that would end all armed conflicts, a good result could come out for Myanmar. If the result was wonderful, all the armed groups could transform into a great union army. Most of the stakeholder want the country to be a new stable, peaceful and developed country, I think. This period needs to be the one when we all hate the war. If a public desire for a new, stable and developed country arose and if the SAC and revolutionary leaders believed that now is the time they could leave a good legacy for the next generations and negotiate and consult, a new peace process can emerge strongly. If this happens, the public will welcome it with joy." said Dr.Aye Maung.

The battles between the Tatmadaw and the Three Brotherhood Alliance have been taking place severely since the Operation-1027 was launched by the TBA on 27th October. 

Due to these battles, the China-Myanmar border trade has suspended and most of locals are also fleeing to safety. 

If the battles stopped because of the discussion between the two sides, it would be convenient for the IDPs. And then if the roads and bridges could be reconstructed, it would be better for the border trade, Col.Khun Okka, an EAO leader, told CNI News.

While the houses were on fire due to heavy weapons in Theinni Town

" If there is less conflict, there will be less harm and death to the public. If China reconstructs the roads and bridges, it would be better for the IDPs and the public. If the IDPs had to displace for long, they would get into trouble in the cold season." he said.

The battles between the two sides have been breaking out severely although the operation waged by the Three Brotherhood Alliance has been over one month long. The operation has been spreading to Kachin State, Sagaing and Mandalay Regions. In addition, the battles between the Tatmadaw and the AA is breaking out in Rakhine and Chin States.

The delegates from the SAC's NSPNC and the Three Brotherhood Alliance met and discussed in Kunming, China on 10th December 2023 and agreed to the temporary ceasefire from 11th to 31st December 2023, according to the individuals close to the two sides.