CNI News
7 December 2023

Deserters and those who are absent without leave (AWOLs) were pardoned not because the Tatmadaw needed strength, Dr.Aung Myo, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

Because some deserters and absentees contacted and proposed that they wanted to serve their duties again, soldiers that applied period designated would be accepted at the nearby battalions and those who committed small offenses would be pardoned, the State Administration Council stated on 3rd December.

" The Tatmadaw did form battalions and brigades without full strength at the border areas. It formed a lot to cause inflation. If the troops scattering in many places were gathered, the Tatmadaw can fight against all the enemies. But for the time being, those who re-enter have to be welcome. In fact, accepting deserters and AWOLs is not because the Tatmadaw needs manpower." said Dr.Aung Myo to CNI News.

While the Arakan Army has captured Tron I Byuha Hill of the Tatmadaw


A military court can sentence a death sentence or seven years in prison to a soldier who commits deserting or makes effort to desert under the 1959 Tatmadaw Act.37. In the same way, soldiers who commit French leave or overstay than period of leave without a sound reason can be punished three years in prison under the Tatmadaw Act.38.

Because currently the Tatmadaw needs anymore of military strength, it will recruit in any way, U Kyi Myint, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" The Tatmadaw will recruit by all means. It will have a plan to recruit the people and government staff by force. But former old soldiers who have no jobs join the army again. They have been deployed in the town guards. Younger former soldiers will be sent to the frontline. Deserters have no jobs outside the army. They don't dare to join the public. To tell you frankly, they have been shirkers since before. The army has known that they will re-enter." he said.  
The battles are breaking between the Tatmadaw and some EAOs/PDF joint forces in Kayin, Kayah, Rakhine, Chin States, Sagaing and Magway Regions.

There are casualties from the two sides and most locals in the armed conflict zones are fleeing to safety.