CNI News

1 December 2023

More and more arrests might be possible by the end of this year, those who are helping in the affairs of Myanmar nationals in Malaysia, told CNI News. 

The number of foreign migrant workers is more than before and the Ricarlibraci permit that has allowed undocumented foreign workers to apply so that they can work legally would expire to be applied in the end of December. 

So, more arrests might be possible more than previous years, Hmwar Michael helping in the affairs of Myanmar nationals in Malaysia, told CNI News.

While stopping and checking vehicles on the road in Malaysia

" In comparison with previous years, the number of migrant workers has increased a lot. More arrests might be possible in the entire country. Malaysian authorities have a plan to make the country free from illegal migrants. Overstayers may be safe a bit because they have to work in the farms or in the rural areas. Authorities can check all the other places." he said.

If undocumented foreigners were arrested, they would be sent to the immigration camps and be punished.

Of those who have served their punishments, the people who could afford air tickets would be sent back to Myanmar by flight.

The population has become more inflated and jobs are scarce this year, making it more difficult to live in Malaysia, said the people helping Myanmar people in Malaysia.

Those who have been detained

" Malaysian government will issue a statement in early 2024. In the meantime, I want the workers to be patient with their jobs and watch the situation. You shouldn't go anywhere if you don't have to." said U Barbu Gyi who is helping Myanmar nationals in Malaysia.

Due to the escape of a Myanmar citizen designated as a suspect in the murder of a Malaysian citizen a few days ago, Malaysian authorities searched the hostels where Myanmar citizens stay. 

The period allowing undocumented workers to apply for Ricarlibraci permit will expire in December. So, Myanmar citizens who have not applied should apply in time, the people helping in the affairs of Myanmar citizens in Malaysia have urged.