CNI News

23 November, 2023

Rsidents of Naung Pu Aung Village in Homalin Township have to be displaced by battles, a local told CNI News. 

The battles are severely taking place between the Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA) and the KIA/PDF joint forces in Hlwazingon Village near Naung Pu Aung Village reportedly.

Residents from Naung Pu Aung and Hlazingon went to their relatives in nearby villages and were staying away from the battle, a Naung Pu Aung resident told CNI News.

" Naung Pu Aung villagers went to Namscar and Narmaw Villages to avoid the battle. All the villagers who think the battle will spread to Naung Pu Aung have moved to Namscar. A few people are still in Naung Pu Aung. But there is no one in Hlwazingon." she said.

While seeing Homalin Town

Although the current period is the time of harvesting rice paddy, paddy field were left without being harvested, she said. The KIA/PDF joint forces attacked Hlwazingon, Phar Nine Villages and Shwe Pyi Aye Town at the same time on 21st November 2023 and until now, the two sides are in military tension.

Due to the battles, many residents of Shwe Pyi Aye went to Homalin Town to avoid battles reportedly. That the KIA/PDF joint forces were fighting against the SNA rather than security forces caused conflict between ethnic groups, Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, leader of the Information Team of the State Administration Council stated on the night of November 22.

" The battle broke out between the SNA and the KIA/PDF joint forces at Naung Po Aung, in the northwestern part of Sagaing Region. They (the KIA/PDF joint forces) are creating the conflict between the ethnic groups rather than fighting against the government security forces. It is leading to utter devastation. We all ethnic people must be aware of it. In cooperation with the security forces, the entire people must eradicate the insurgents with this kind of subversive mentality to restore stability and peace in Myanmar." said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun.

While seeing the Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA)

The battles often break out between the SNA and the KIA/PDF joint forces in Hlwazingon Village near Naung Po Aung, and Aung Bin Village starting from July.

The SNA is an ethnic armed group that is trying to restore Shanni State by bringing together Mawlike, Kalay, Khamti, Katha and Tamu Districts in Sagaing Region, and Bhamo, Myitkyina and Moe Nying Districts in Kachin State.