CNI News

23 November, 2023

The battles are severely breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) in Rakhine State and locals are facing with more difficulties, locals told CNI News. Due to the battles, roads and waterways have been closed in Rakhine State. So, it was difficult to get around for health issues and the flow of goods also has stopped, a local from Rathedaung Township told CNI News.

"Because the roads and waterways have been closed when the battles are severely taking place now, we are finding it difficult for health issues. If you have to transport the patients who will undergo surgery or emergency patients, you might need to use road or waterway. So, locals get into trouble. As the roads and waterways have been closed, the commodity prices have risen exponentially. And because the flow of goods has stopped at all, goods are almost out of stock."

While seeing the Myanmar Tatmadaw's ordnance corps

After the battles between the Tatmadaw and AA resumed in Rathedaung, Kyauktaw and Minbya Townships on 13th November, roads and waterways have been closed. At present, all the trades have stopped. Pauktaw Town are being fired by heavy weapons, a Sittwe resident told CNI News.

" Local people are facing with various kinds of difficulties. There is no transportation. There is no more trading as well. It's not convenient for us to receive medical treatment. The big weapons have been shooting at Pauktaw from over Sittwe City since yesterday. The whole city has been quiet. Everyone is worried.  Because big guns are being shot from over us. Cannonballs may come to us." he said.

At present, battles are severely breaking out in Pauktaw and residents of the town have fled to safety. Firing heavy weapons into non-combat areas should not conducted, said a resident of Rathedaung.

While seeing IDPs

" Firing heavy weapons into non-combat areas is too bad. Because of firing heavy weapons into non-combat areas on purpose, the people have to displace unnecessarily." he said.

At present, the battles are taking place between the AA and the Tatmadaw in Rathedaung, Kyauktaw, Minbya, Mrauk U, Pauktaw and Maungdaw Townships, Rakhine State and in  Paletwa Township, Chin State.

Moreover, in cooperation with other armed groups, the AA is fighting against the Tatmadaw in Sagaing Region and northern Shan State.