CNI News

14 November 2023

The State Administration Council stated on 13th November that it has been able to regain control of Tigyaing Town in Sagaing Region from the hands of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the People's Defense Force (PDF) joint forces.

The KIA/PDF joint forces entered Tigyaing in full force on 9th November and set up camps inside houses, religious and government buildings and started fighting.

After that, the Tatmadaw retook control of Tigyaing on 12th November with a ground offensive after carrying out heavy airstrikes, said locals.

After KIA/PDF joint forces retreated, the Tatmadaw was clearing mines and going to do rehabilitation work so that residents could live again, the SAC stated.

Leading its allies - the Arakan, the People's Defense Force, the All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF), the Kuki National Army-Burma (KNA-Burma), the KIA was waging an operation centered on Tigyaing, one centered on Banmauk and one centered on Katha, Kawlin and Kant Balu.

If these operations were successful, the KIA would try to capture upper half of Myanmar after connecting and collaborating with revolutionary forces in Chin State, Magway Region and Rakhine State.