CNI News

14 November 2023

Battles have been restarted between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army in Rakhine State on 13th November 2023 and roads have been closed, a local told CNI News. 

The AA fought police stations and border guard posts in Rathedaung, Kuauktaw and Minpya Townships starting from 5:00 a.m. on 13th November 2023 reportedly. 

Soon after the battles were launched, roads in Rakhine State have been closed and because of closure like that, locals might find it difficult, said a Sittwe resident.

"Kyauktan Bus Terminal, exit from Sittwe has been closed. Other terminals have been closed as well including bus terminals in Ann and Gwa Towns. We have only two paths - waterways and roads. We can use waterways to transport non-perishable goods only. Largely, we transport vegetables and foodstuff by road only. If the roads are closed, locals get into trouble" he said to CNI News.

While seeing an intersection in Rakhine State

Together with not only the Three Brotherhood Alliance in northern Shan State but also revolutionary forces in Kachin State and Sagaing Region, the AA is taking part in the battles fighting against the Tatmadaw. 

It was expected that AA's military activities in Rakhine State would increase as the Spring Revolution was gaining momentum, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator told CNI News.

" Temporary agreements between the Tatmadaw and the AA will be broken as the Spring Revolution is gaining momentum. We are expecting Rakhine State will gain its independence and sovereignty with the development of the Spring Revolution. It's just the beginning. Later, I hope we'll see the AA's fighting against the Tatmadaw in the entire Rakhine State." he said.

Political problems should be solved with the political means and because of the wars, the locals had difficulty in making a living, said a Sittwe resident. 

While seeing Mrauk U Town in Rakhine State

" During a war, everyone is suffering. The people suffer more. If a battle break out in other regions, only the people around the place where the battle takes place get into trouble. But in our Rakhine State, almost all the Rakhine people get into trouble more or less because the roads are closed. We don't know who to blame. War is not good. We want stakeholders to solve political problems with political means. As one of ordinary people, we don't have the ability to speak effectively except thinking and worrying about the future of ourselves and our environment." said a Sittwe resident.

The fighting between the AA and the Tatmadaw in Rakhine State that suspended for almost two years came back in August, 2022.

After that, in consideration of the loss and suffering of the local people in Rakhine State, the two sides agreed to cease fire starting from 26th November 2022.

However, after the AA started fighting police stations and border guard posts in Rathedaung, Kyauktaw and Minpya Townships, battles broke out again.