CNI News

9 November 2023

The Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) should explain why it arrested Sai Mao Awn, a Shan youth and maintain co-existence policy, Sai Kham Aung from the Shan State Monks and Public Peace Cooperation Committee told CNI News. 

It should be maintained so as not to cause more conflict among the Shan people and the leaders from both sides should discuss, he said.

Sai Mao Awn who was helping IDPs in Sellant Village, Muse Township, northern Shan State was arrested by the TNLA in the morning of 7th November 2023.

It is not clear whether Sai Mao Awn is still alive or not." There is no need to be so much of a problem among the people of Shan State. It is important for the leaders from the both side to exercise restraint so that we can co-exist. They should discuss and consult to solve the problem." said Sai Kham Aung to CNI News.

While seeing Sai Mao Un who was arrested by the TNLA

The TNLA started fighting against the SSPP troops who went to solve the case relating to that Sai Mao Awn was arrested by the TNLA after which mutual shooting broke out, the SSPP stated. During the battle, five TNLA troops were killed at least and one SSPP troop was killed.
 After that TNLA captured two SSPP troops as prisoners of war and they two were shot dead in the center of the village, said in the statement. Although CNI News tried to contact the officials from SSPP and TNLA by phone, it has not able to contact them.

Shan political parties and civil societies are demanding to release Sai Maung Awn. Armed groups which have been formed to protect the people's lives and properties should carry out their goals, said Sai Kham Aung.

"We have to solve the conflict for the sake of Shan people's lives and properties, we need to protect the people's lives and properties as much as possible. Every armed organization was formed to protect the lives and properties of the people. 

So, I want them to mainly carry out their ambitions. Mainly I want them perform it to minimize the harm to the public as much as possible A battle ensued between the TNLA and the SSPP in Mai Yu Lay region, Kutkai Township, northern Shan State on 23 September 2023.

 After that, leaders from both sides discussed to negotiate and solve if a problem arose with mutual observance of agreements on politics and military.