CNI News

3 November 2023

Although rice prices are high at present, farmers in Ayeyarwady Region are getting more benefits than farmers from other regions and states because Ayeyarwady Region has better transportation than other regions and provinces and also is close to Yangon Port where goods are exported abroad. 

Moreover, more exporters come to the region, U Thein Aung, chairman of the Farmers Development Association, told CNI News.

" When the rice paddy starts appearing, the price is 16 to 17 lakh kyats for 100 baskets. But if there is no demand from international, the price won't be that much. The prices go up quickly at the places where are close to exporters and traders. When the rice from Mon State is sent to Yangon, transportation charges will cost farmers or traders more. When the rice where big trucks can't enter is carried, transportation charges will cost more. There is a difference of 200,000 kyats in profit per 100 bag of rice paddy between the farmers on the east bank and those on the west bank of the Ayeyarwady River." he said.

While bags of rice are being carried

The farmers from Rakhine State, Mon State and Ayeyarwady Region have been able to sell 100 baskets of Aemahta rice paddy at 12 to 15 lakh kyats, the basic reference price designated by the Myanmar Rice Federation. However, the cost for cultivation on an acre is from 8 to 10 lakh kyats.

Moreover, because the yield is just about 60 baskets per acre, they get a little profit, said rainfed farmers from Mon State.

In the same way, the farmers in Rakhine State need harvesting and threshing machines and if they have to reap the rice paddy with manpower, they could make a loss, U Maung Thein Hla, secretary of the Mrauk U Township Danyawady Farmers Federation, told CNI News.

" Rice paddy is successful. A big challenge is that we don't have harvesting and threshing machines. If we reap with harvesting and threshing machines, it will cost us about one lakh kyats for an acre. But if we reap with manpower, it will cost over two lakh kyats." he said.

While meeting rice paddy farmer

In the Ayeyarwady Region, because of having a contract farming system, obtaining agricultural loans and being able to grow and produce high-quality rice paddy, the yield is good. 

Because rice is cultivated with machinery, the yield is better. So, the farmers in Ayeyarwady Region has benefited more than those in other regions, said farmers.

At present, rice paddy farmers and rice mill operators in Rakhine state cooperate and are carrying out to produce high-yielding rice paddy as well as to implement a contract farming system reportedly.