CNI News
28 October 2023

The Autumn Festival will be held at the Ngapali Beach in Thandwe Township, Rakhine State for 10 days in coming November to attract more tourists from local and abroad, according to the Ministry of Hotel and Tourism.
The Ngapali Autumn Festival was held for the first time on October 20, 2019 and starting from 2021, it was held every year in November. However, there was no celebration for 10 days like this year.

The festival has been planned to be held for 10 ndays, U Tin Tun Aung, director of Rakhine State Ministry of Hotel and Tourism, told CNI News.

" We haven't set a starting date. May be it will be held in third or fourth week of November. We have planned to hold the festival for 10 days for the time being because we want the festival to be crowded. The longer the festival is held, the more people enjoy it and the more people come." he said.

Many tourists have been coming to the Ngapali Beach starting from October until Myanmar new year holiday and as the festival is held when there is no rain or strong wind, more tourists can come there reportedly. Now is the time when tourist arrivals are high, a hotel manager from Ngapali beach area told CNI News.

" The Autumn Festival has been held every year for four times or so. Many tourists start coming in October. Between October and May - That's when the most visitors come. In Thadaingyut, hotel rooms here are almost full with guests." he said.

In the Ngapali Autumn Festival, opening ceremony is held in the morning. In the afternoon, beach sport competitions, races, football matches, greased pole climbing competitions, high jump competitions and so on are held. At night, night market festival, small and medium-sized exhibitions will be held.

There are 65 hotels and guesthouses at the Ngapali Beach area and as some of them are undergoing renovations, they cannot be opened. At present, 51 hotels and guesthouses have been opened. 

All the hotel rooms have been almost full with guests reportedly.