CNI News

October 26, 2023

Import permit of fuel-powered vehicles that has been banned due to the need of foreign currency has not been possible to be re-permitted at present, said car importers and car policy analysts. Old cars that have been 20 years old and above can be used safely and due to the need of foreign currency, it has not been possible to to re-permitted, said car policy experts. However, preparations are being made to allow to produce cars with a SKD (Semi Knocked Down) system, U Aung Pyae Sone, a car policy expert told CNI News.

" The cars such as Mark II manufactured around 2000 by Toyota are being still used. When these cars cannot be used, a policy to import cars may be come out. But for the time being, the permission to import fuel-powered cars has not come out because there isn't enough foreign currency in the country. But preparations are underway to produce cars in the country with a SKD system, internal production of cars may be allowed in the near future." he said.

While seeing EV cars in Naypyidaw

There are over 1,000,000 fuel-powered cars all over the country and over 50 percent of using hem are registered in Yangon Region, according to the records of the Directorate of Road Transport. Currently, commercial vehicles and EVs import permit has been allowed. According the current car policy of the government, using fuel-powered vehicles has been reduced and EVs are being mainly imported, U Min Min Maung, chairman of Yangon Region Automobile Manufacturer and Distributor Association (YRAMDA), told CNI News.

" The government has told that it will allow EVs only to be imported. Fuel-powered cars will be banned later at all. For the time being, SKD cars have been allowed. But after SKD cars are reduced gradually, EVs only will be imported." he said. The government should allow production of fuel-powered cars with SKD system although fuel-powered cars were not permitted to be imported due to the need of foreign currency, U Thet Zaw, an economic analyst, told CNI News.

While seeing an electric car charging station

" According to the current trading activities of the country, essential things should be imported. Non-essential things are luxurious goods. But non-essential things should be allowed to an certain extent. Rather than banning at all, a certain percent should be allowed. For example, SKD cars are re-allowed. If fuel-powered cars are allowed to be imported, an organization that will take advantage of permission will arise such as importing EVs. If anyone can import, it won't be convenient. I want to suggest that SKD cars should be re-allowed." he said.

Although Myanmar's neighboring countries and other countries are widely using EVs instead of fuel-powered cars, Myanmar is falling behind, some people pointed out. The current value of an EV car in Myanmar is not within the reach of ordinary people.