CNI News

26 October 2023

The National Unity Government (NUG) made a request to the European Union (EU) dated 16th October to recognize the NUG as an official government. 

The NUG requested the EU to recognize the NUG and the state governments that are developing step by step as Myanmar's official governments. 

It had not been possible to reach a situation Myanmar was going to be a country which was made up of provinces, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator, told CNI News.

" It's necessary to become like that. But it's not been likely to be like that at the moment, I think. Because can we say how many state governments there are? Cbin people are still trying to become their Chin State government. In the same way, the Karenni National Democratic Force (KNDF) has kind of form the Karenni State government and so has the Karen National Union (KNU). The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) that has been able to have systematically organized its executive mechanism has not declared to have formed its State government. So, We haven't been able to reach the situation that we can organize Myanmar as country that has made up of state governments, I think."he Said.

While seeing the People's Defense Force

Moreover, the NUG has requested the EU to invite the NUG delegates to attend the bilateral meetings and multinational meetings of the EU in order to know the public voice and to enable them to officially represent.

Having said that the NLD government was trying to form a government without solving the ballot dispute, the Tatmadaw toppled down the NLD government on 1 February 2021. 

After that, with protests that arose, democratic elements have been waging the Spring Revolution.

EU had no business to recognize the NUG as an official government of Myanmar, Dr. Aung Myo, a Myanmar political commentator told CNI News. 

While seeing members of the NUG

" EU won't recognize the NUG as an official government. To tell you the truth, a government is decided depending on a real situation rather that whether it is legitimate or not. It is an international tradition. If the NUG is recognized as an official government, who will carry out for the licenses for the businesses in the EU and for passports and visas. It's not that easy. And then, EU has no business to recognize the NUG as an official government." he said.

At present, the KNDF kind of has formed a state government and the rest of the states also seem to be in the process of forming state governments, he added. 

Currently, the State Administration Council and the NUG are competing in  the affairs of administration, judiciary, legislation and diplomacy. 

However, in practice the SAC is handling administration, legislation and judiciary, and international ambassadors also are giving their letters of appointment to the SAC.