CNI News

20 October 2023

The suspension of party registration caused distrust in politics, U Ko Ko Gyi, chairman of the People's Party (PP) told CNI News. 

The Union Election Commission should reply the parties that have not got party registration sheets why the commission has not issued the registration, he said.

" The  Union Election Commission has registered some parties and others have not been registered, and we are not informed why. To tell you the truth, UEC plays an important role to make the public believe the State Administration Council (SAC)'s political road map. So, among our political circles, UEC has become quite critical. Especially, when well-known parties such as NLD and SNLD have not been able to register in the UEC, UEC has suspended rights to registration of the parties carrying out for democracy and federalism. It causes distrust in politics, I think." he said to CNI News.  

While seeing U Thein Soe, chairman of the Union Election Commission

Although the PP has applied to be registered as a political party for nearly seven months, the party has not been registered as yet. When the public belief in political means has decreased, the actions of the UEC kind of are making the public not to believe in politics, he said

Laws and by-laws relating to re-registration of political parties were issued on 31st January 2023 and political parties were asked to re-register within 60 days.

While seeing U Thein Soe, chairman of the UEC and political parties

It was difficult to understand why their Mon Unity Party had not been registered, Naing Than Swe, spokesperson of the MUP, told CNI News. " It's hard to say how I understand. Some parties have not been registered like us. In September, our members of the Central Executive Committee were re-checked and asked. I don't know whether other parties were re-checked or not." said Naing Than Shwe.

Although the PP has registered as a party that will organize all over the country, it has not been registered as yet reportedly. 

In the same way, the Arakan National Party (ANP) and the Mon Unity Party (MUP) have registered as state-level parties. However, the two parties have not been registered up to now reportedly.