CNI News

19 October 2023

Some Myanmar people are in trouble in Thailand after they were cheated by brokers who took them to Thailand. 

Most of those who were cheated are from Bago Region and the brokers told them to make them get evidence documents, one of the victims of fraud told CNI News. 

Because Thai and Myanmar brokers guaranteed that they would provide service for victims to be included in the name list, to get passports and to find jobs, the victims had to pay the brokers 1,300,000 to 1,700,000 kyats each and the victims have been there in Thailand for several months reportedly.

The victims of fraudsters have been in trouble because they haven't got documents and jobs at present, Ko Wai Lin Aung, a victim of fraud, told CNI News.

" I have paid 1,700,000 kyats. I was told I'll have to pay 3,200,000 kyats. I was told they would send me to Bangkok at the end of July. They asked me to come to Thailand after borrowing money with interest if I didn't have enough money. So, I came to Thailand after borrowing money with interest. Although they said I can get a job at the end of July, now it's October. When I ask them how they would do for the documents, they replied that I'm included in the name list. Now we can't eat enough fish paste. And electricity is not available for us as well. When I tried to charge my phone at the house of agency, I was expelled."he said.

While seeing Ko Naing Min Htet who has been cheated with a card issued by brokers

Moreover, they were divided into groups and sent to Bangkok, Maha Chai and so on through illegal routes and they have been given a piece of paper with name list reportedly. Migrant workers are not allowed to travel beyond the area allowed by the paper, which they knew recently, Ko Naing Min Htet, a victim, told CNI News.

" We didn't know this at first.  But I contacted my friends and asked them if the work was okay. They replied it was not okay. Some of my friends are finding it difficult to travel because they don't have documents. When my friends asked the brokers about documents, the brokers don't care. When my friends phoned them, they didn't answer the phone or they didn't listen." he said.

Although Thai brokers have really submitted the workers in the name list, because the work permit fee has not been paid, they have not been allowed to stay and work legally, Ko Thar Gyi, who is helping Myanmar workers, told CNI News.

Name list paper issued by brokers

" Mainly, they want to get their money back. We are not sure whether the Thai broker will return the money or not. According to the existing law, the workers don't have to spend the money for the name list. I don't know why the broker hasn't returned the money. Thai woman broker hasn't paid the work permit fee. So, the receipt slip has not yet come out. A work permit cannot be made by a broker but by the government." he said.

The period of asking foreign migrant workers to submit in the name list has ended and those who have registered in the name list have been allowed to stay and work in Thailand until 13th February, 2025.