CNI News

17 October 2023 

As many factories and workshops in Thailand could not pay overtime, Myanmar migrant workers' income has decreased, those who are helping migrant workers told CNI News. 

Due to the impact of the wars breaking out in some foreign countries, Thai economy is also affected. Some factories don't receive sufficient orders or any order, they said. 

So, Myanmar migrant workers should not change workplace at present, U Aung Kyaw, an official of the Labor Rights Foundation, told CNI News.

" In the past in the factories the workers get overtime pay as well, so they were convenient but currently some factories don't receive enough orders, so the workers don't have overtime. They work only three days a week in stead of working six days a week. Some workers suddenly quit jobs and went to another factory. But that factory didn't accept because it was waiting for orders and then they had gone jobless." he said.

Those working in the water industry

If the workers would change workplace, they would have to decide only after studying the current political and economic situations abroad and domestically suggested the people helping migrant workers. Moreover, in relation to registration in the name list until the end of July, some Myanmar citizens were cheated up to 30 lakh kyats reportedly.

" There are offices opened by Thai citizens near the No.1 Friendship Bridge. They say that they would be able to send workers to factories after connecting with Myanmar brokers, taking 20 lakh to 32 lakh kyats. It tends to take three to six months to be a MoU worker. Some workers come to these offices to make labor cards through brokers. They come here with bridge passes. About four groups came and complained to our organization. About 200 people came and complained. Over 300 people have assigned work to get certificates in an office alone, they told us." said Ko Thar Gyi who is helping migrant workers.

The period of asking undocumented workers to register in the name list has expired and those who have registered in the name list have been allowed to stay and work until 13th February 2025.

So, the workers should study what is right or wrong without believing brokers and if not so, there will be workers who are defrauded, pointed out the people helping migrant workers.

Moreover, there are checks every day in Thailand. So, undocumented workers should take care of their steps, they suggested.