CNI News

13 October  2023

The agencies that fail to submit the list of workers who are sent abroad will be taken action against, the Ministry of Labor has announced. 

Agencies must submit the list of workers who are sent abroad with the names of countries within the first five days of every month and the agencies that fail to submit will be suspended temporarily and if they failed to submit for the second time, their licenses would be lifted reportedly.

“This is good practice. If they don't comply with that, then this business won't be convenient for them. They aren't interested in the business. what they have to do is just to send e-mail.  Because the department had to know there are people who have not been sent abroad for 4 to 7 months when the agencies didn't submit the list, the department had to announce. Private media are also reporting it's because the department didn't take action. So, the department has issued the statement. The agencies that don't submit the list possibly haven't sent the workers abroad." said Myat Hayman Lin, managing director of the Pwint Phu Aung Overseas Employment Agency.

Myanmar workers who will go abroad

The agencies have to inform the department of the list of workers who are sent abroad by e-mail or letter. 

If they have no workers to send, they need to let. the department know reportedly. Moreover, Safe Migration have stated that there are 81 agencies that have not submitted the list for September. 

The agencies that have held the licenses for overseas employment agencies must carry out compulsorily in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Labor, said U Win Myint, managing director of the Lucky Overseas Employment Agency, to CNI News.

" The department has asked the list of workers who are sent abroad for about three months. Some agencies don't give the list. Perhaps they haven't given or they don't know. If you have taken the license, you must do that. I can't say for sure if some agencies might not have staff. Now there have been up to about 470 agencies." said U Win Myint.

Myanmar workers

As calling jobs from Thailand and Malaysia has reduced at present, the workers need to wait patiently and if they wanted to go abroad urgently, they probably would be cheated, suggested some overseas employment agencies.

There were 484 overseas employment agencies in September 2023 and of them, 10 were suspended temporarily. So, there are 474 licensed agencies now, according to the Ministry of Labor.