CNI News

10 October 2023

The Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP) and the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) agreed not to make the battles break out between the two sides, whicn could reduce human rights violation on the people, said Lway Chee Sangar, spokesperson of the Ta'ang Women Organization (TWO), to CNI News. 

If a battle broke out, it was the people who would suffer first and the people would benefit from the agreement of the two allies, she said.

" If the coordination of the two sides goes well, it is good for the public because if a battle break out, the people will suffer first. If they go on staying like allies, the people can live peacefully, I hope. If the fighting is reduced, human rights violation on the public will decrease." she said to CNI News.

Some battles ensued between TNLA and SSPP in Mai Yulay region, Kutkai Township, northern Shan State on 23 September 2023. 

The TNLA Force

After that, leaders from the two sides met and discussed on 6th and 7th October and agreed to negotiate and solve if there were any problems and to mutually observe the political and military agreements that had been agreed as well as to collaborate so as to quickly succeed in national liberation and revolutionary activities reportedly.

If a battle broke out, several locals would be killed and locals would have to displace, and the agreement was good for the locals, said U Kham Nyunt, vice chairman of the Ta'ang Literature and Culture Organization, to CNI News.

" It's good for locals because a battle that breaks out whether between the two ethnic armed organizations or between the Tatmadaw and an EAO hurt the local people at last. As soon as a battle starts, locals have to displace. Some of them are killed. We don't want battles." he said.

The battles broke out between the two allies, SSPP and The TNLA in September 2023.