CNI News
8 October 2023

Myanmar truck drivers and their helpers have been given temporary border pass (TBP), one time use cards, and  Myanmar trucks can directly enter Wanding Town in the Chinese side through Kyin San Kyawt border trade gate, according to the fruit commodity depot.

TBP cards will be issued to Myanmar drivers and helpers starting from 6th October, 2023 reportedly. If Myanmar truck drivers are allowed to drive directly into the Chinese side, the shunting system-replacing Myanmar truck drivers with Chinese counterparts will die out and the delivery of goods will also be faster and other expenses will also be reduced, said Ko Kyaw Kyaw Aung, a trader from Kyin San Kyawt gate, to CNI News.

"They have announced TBP cards will be issued. But it is not yet known to what extent it will be issued. If the TBPs are issued, expenses will be reduced and delays will be greatly reduced." he said.

Trucks which arrived at the Chinese-Myanmar border gates were being checked during the Covid-19 pandemic

Although Myanmar truck drivers were allowed to drive directly into the Chinese side before the Covid-19 pandemic, Myanmar drivers were replaced with Chinese drivers since the Covid-19 pandemic broke out.

" I haven't applied the TBP card. If necessary, I must apply. It is safer for the goods in the truck if you drive yourself. We can go till Ruili and stay for a week. And expenses could be reduced for traders." said Ko Thant Zin, a truck driver from Muse, to CNI News.

Fruit wholesalers need to send the personal data and information of drivers and helpers to the Muse fruit commodity depot one day in advance reportedly.

Kyin San Kyawt-Wanding border trade gate is mainly important for the Chinese-Myanmar border trade and Myanmar fruit including watermelon and mango are mainly exported to China through this gate.