CNI News

2 October 2023

While Malaysian economy is declining, because jobs are also scarce, including becoming higher in commodity prices, Myanmar citizens in Malaysia are getting into trouble, said Myanmar people in Malaysia to CNI News. 

At present, there are bankrupt companies and companies that have been closed and frauds, said Hmwar Michael to CNI News.

"Prices are high and jobs are scarce. Main product of Malaysia is not bought a lot by other countries. Some factories have been closed. For the time being, Myanmar general workers there don't have overtime anymore. The economy is quite worrying. Myanmar workers are facing with danger of liars who have been staying in Malaysia for long. The liars are not brokers, but they say they will look for a job for you. They will ask you money. In fact, they can't do that." he said.

Those who were lied were overstayers and because it didn't have anything to do with the embassy, it was a problem in the labor affairs reportedly. 

Malaysia, a manufacturing hub and commodity exporter, is experiencing slow demand from abroad. Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim (Anwar Ibrahim) is facing with a turbulent economic situation, reported the Asia Nikkei.

Seeing the Prime Minister of Malaysia with the Malaysian national flag

If Myanmar citizens want to go abroad for work, in stead of going to Malaysia, another country should be chosen, said U Barbu Gyi, who is helping Myanmar citizens in Malaysia, to CNI News.

" If possible, I want to request Myanmar people not to come to Malaysia. Things aren't what they used to be. Now Malaysia isn't suitable to stay. There is a shortage of commodities for Malaysian people. I mean the commodities that can be bought at a lower price are short of. Foreigners there might find it more difficult." he said.

 If Myanmar citizens come and work in Malaysia through illegal channels or visit visa, only when friends or intimate acquaintances are there in Malaysia and they can get jobs for sure, they should come to Malaysia. Many Myanmar people are unemployed and get into trouble because they believed the words the brokers said, according to Myanmar citizens who are staying in Malaysia.

"Myanmar people who came to Malaysia believing the words the brokers said are getting into trouble without having any jobs by several thousands. The people who are waiting for jobs, eating one meal a day are so many. Brokers will ask you to come to Malaysia. But I want Myanmar citizens to come to Malaysia only after thinking about it thoroughly. There is a shortage of jobs in Myanmar, it's no problem. They had to borrow money with interest to come to Malaysia. But whey arrive in Malaysia, they have no jobs. Only if you have reliable people in Malaysia and there's a job for you for sure, it will be convenient." said Hmwar Michael.

Moreover, Myanmar citizens in Malaysia are finding it difficult because they have not got the appointment with QR code online to apply for passports.