CNI News

2 October 2023

The State Administration Council carries out for the benefit of the public and the State and must be able to build to win the public confidence, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC. He said the above at the SAC meeting 4/2023 held on 28 September 2023.  

" The State Administration Council is the country's highest organization that has to take the responsibility of the State. So, it is necessary to set an example in doing business. 

Moreover, it must carry out for the benefit of the State and the public and must be able to build to win the public belief." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

The State Administration Council is carrying out for the country's prosperity and food security as the two national processes. Moreover, apart from strengthening  genuine and disciplined multi-party democratic system, establishment of a union based on democracy and federalism is being performed as the two political processes.

Rice and curry were being donated 

"As our country, when there is stability and peace and if expectations and goals can be implemented correctly, It will be able to stand on the middle level among the countries in the region." said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

And then he wanted to know the true situation of the region, the true attitude of the public  and the true necessity of the public, he added.

At present, Myanmar people are suffering from lack of jobs and high commodity prices and at the same they are losing properties and lives because of domestic armed conflicts. 

Moreover, due to weak rule of law, the people are facing with dangers of thefts and robberies.

The developments are getting low in the attempts for regional development and nation building because of briberies. Some or many officials making money by abusing power on the ground, that the public pointed out.

Only if these issues could be dealt with by the SAC, it would win the public confidence