CNI News

29 September 2023

Political community is discussing about whether a new approach to Myanmar political crisis can appear after the State Administration Council (SAC) was reshuffled. 

When the SAC was reshuffled on 25 September 2023 under the Section-419 of the constitution, General Maung Maung Aye and Lt-Gen Nyo Saw joined in the SAC after Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun and Lt-Gen Soe Htut were expelled from membership.

Myanmar is facing with crises due to an unstable government and its wrong policies and so the SAC was reshuffled, which he thought, said U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political analyst, to CNI News.

Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun who was expelled from the SAC

" The reason for this is that while the SAC is facing with the Spring Revolution, due to the military pressure of the PDFs led by the National Unity Government (NUG), and some EAOs, the number of the SAC's commanders, battalion commanders, and soldiers who are killed on the battlefield has increased more and more. This is a military factor. Another factor is wrong policies. Due to its poor governance and financial management, the value of the Myanmar And currency has fallen exponentially. And then, commodity prices have gone up. At the same time, as the foreign currencies have dried up, various problems have arisen. Due to an unstable government and its wrong policies, general crises are happening in Myanmar, which can be reviewed in general." he said.  

The SAC was reshuffled on 1 August 2023 for the first time and  2 August 2023, for the second time and 25 September 2023, for the third time.

 Although she was not able to know what was the intention of reshuffle exactly, she thought that it was performed in order to overcome the current crisis, said Daw Cho Cho Kyaw Nyein from the Federal Democratic Party, to CNI News.

Lt-Gen Nyo Saw who has become a member of the SAC

" We only know our political path. The army is ruling the country. Then, what are they going to do? Their intention is mentioned on the newspaper everyday. They will be trying to achieve their goal in their own way. We are not close to those from the Tatmadaw. We are going with the statements released by the Union Election Commission (UEC). We, the politicians, are doing like this for the time being. The people from the army that is ruling the country will be trying to overcome their difficulties, I think." she said.  

A nationwide census-taking will be conducted in 2024 after which a general election will be held and then the State power will be handed over to the winner party, the SAC has said. 

Discussions about holding a general election were also included in the peace meetings between the SAC and some EAOs.