CNI News

20 September 2023

The Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) is being used by both organizations that go against each other, said Col.Khun Okka, patron of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization, to CNI News. 

EAOs that have signed the NCA, including the Tatmadaw are trying to solve the problem by using force, which is not consistent with the principiles of the NCA, he said.

" Both sides maintain the NCA, standing on their political positions. To tell you frankly, if they exactly comply with the NCA, solving the problem by using force is not consistent with the principles of the NCA. Committing violence or using force is not included in the NCA. Three organizations have taken part in the armed conflict after they had signed the NCA. The Chin National Front (CNF) has participated in the armed conflict. Half of the Karen National Union (KNU) takes part in the armed conflict. Some of the KNU leaders stand on the NCA, but others don't. In the same way, some of the All Burma Students Democratic Front take part in the armed conflict. But the NCA has not been void." he said.

Leaders of armed organizations who were seen at the NCA signing ceremony

Movement of troops for territorial dominance, scouting, expansion of force, armed attacks, placing mines, terrorist attacks and offensives between the Tatmadaw and EAOs are to be suspended, which are mentioned in the Chapter 3 of the NCA. 

Moreover, military camps are not set up at the public places such as religious buildings, schools, hospitals, clinics and cultural sites.

Whether the NCA is void or not depends on the attitude of the NCA signatories, said U Tun Aung Kyaw, member of the Policy Steering Committee of the Arakan National Party, to CNI News.

" The NCA was seriously signed before the foreign diplomats, holding a ceremony. So, it is a very important agreement for ceasefire, I think. But if they don't agree to it anymore, we can't prevent their desire. It depends on their attitudes." he said.

While taking commemorative photos after the NCA signing ceremony

Because the Tatmadaw has taken power after toppling down the NLD government on 1 February 2021, some armed organizations joined the revolutionary forces and are fighting against the Tatmadaw, saying that the NCA has been void.

After that, Battles are breaking out in Kayin, Chin, Kayah, Kachin States, Sagaing and Magway Regions. 

The NCA was signed by the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), the Karen National Union (KNU), the Chin National Front (CNF), the PNLO, the ABSDF, the New Mon State Party (NMSP), the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), KNU/KNLA-Peace Council, the Arakan Liberation Party(ALP) and the Lahu Democratic Union (LDU).

Currently some of the NCA signatories - KNU, CNF and ABSDF are fighting against the Tatmadaw.