CNI News
16 September 2023

There are discussions among the political community what impacts on politics and diplomatic affairs could arise from the meeting of ASEAN air force chiefs.

The meeting was attended by air force chiefs from Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam and air force chiefs from the Philippines and Singapore discussed by sending video messages, which the State Administration Council reported on 13th September.

There were reviews whether the meeting could impact on the diplomatic competition between the State Administration and the National Unity Government.

The organization that currently holds the three powers of Myanmar is the country's government and the SAC has an advantage in the diplomatic affairs, said U Thein Tun Oo from the Thayninga Institute for Strategic Studies, to CNI News.

ASEAN Air Force Chiefs Meeting was being held on 13th September 2023

" That is clear. The organization that works, holding three powers - administration, legislation and judiciary is a government, existing government, in other words, an  official government. It is no match for an organization that cannot open an office systematically and that is pleased with itself to be met with some countries. The SAC has had an advantage from the very beginning. May be some people think that the SAC doesn't have an advantage." said U Thein Tun Oo.

General Tun Aung, the SAC's Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force had a collective meeting with Air Force Chiefs of ASEAN members and met with them individually on 13th September, 2023, said in the statement released by the SAC.

The Air Force Chiefs from Malaysia and Indonesia did not attend the meeting and did not send the video messages reportedly.

Currently, ASEAN was making preparations to solve the Myanmar issue, said Mahn Aung Pyi Soe from the Karen National Democratic Party, to CNI News.

General Tun Aung seen on 13th September, 2023

" ASEAN is making preparations to solve the Myanmar issue. As a military meeting was held here in Myanmar, the SAC might have a little improvement in its diplomatic affairs. Indonesia and Malaysia are the countries that didn't like our country since before. That's why they didn't attend the meeting. The SAC was successful in the diplomatic affairs to an extent, I think." he said.

As a result of the political landscape that changed after 1st February 2021, Myanmar is facing with various crises. Although ASEAN agreed to the five-point consensus to solve the political crisis of Myanmar, the consensus has not been able to be implemented.

Myanmar attendance in the ASEAN meetings has been restricted.

On the other hand, most ASEAN members attended the 20th ASEAN Air Force Chiefs Meeting hosted by Myanmar.