CNI News

15 September 2023

The Kalay-Tamu road that could not used for three months due to territorial instabilities as a result of battles that took place in Sagaing Region, after which it could be used again this week, said Tamu residents. 

Although the road could be re-used, the security is not still in a safe situation, and the amount of money paid for toll gate is much reportedly. Moreover, due to high transportation costs, commodity prices have gone double higher than before, said Ko Ye Lin Aung, a Tamu resident, to CNI News.

"The security is not reliably safe for the time being. But the road has been re-opened. The tolls are quite much. We have to pay much more money for transportation charges because commodities are carried by motorcycles. You have to pay 30,000 or 40,000 kyats for transportation charge of a bag of rice. So, the rice prices have gone three times higher. There is no out of stock. But commodity prices have gone double higher." he said.

The Kalay-Tamu Road

Although the Kalay-Tamu road has been reopened, locals are worried that the road will be closed again because territorial stability has not been reliable. 

During the period when the road was closed, Tamu residents found it difficult to receive proper medical treatment and but now because the road has been reopened, it has been convenient for them, said U Khin Maung Win, a trader from Tamu, to CNI News.

" To reopen the road is good for Tamu residents. They found it difficult to go or come for their health before the road is reopened. The number of physicians is not sufficient in Tamu. Beause the road is reopened, it has been convenient for Tamu residents." he said. 

During the time when the road was closed, commodities were carried through other routes. Because these routes could not used by trucks, commodities were carried by motorcycles, which made the transportation charges were much more. So, commodity prices also went up greatly reportedly.  

In Tamu, the current rice price is about 150,000 kyats per bag and the price of diesel or gasoline is about 20,000 kyats per gallon, said U Khin Maung Win. 

Nam Phar Lon Market in Tamu

" Here in Tamu, the price of Ayermin rice was 140,000 to 150,000 kyats per bag not very long ago. The price of gasoline or diesel was about 20,000 kyats per gallon or above 20,000 kyats sometimes. The price of peanut oil was about 200,000 kyats for ten viss ( 1 viss= 3.6 lb) and palm oil, over 100,000 kyats." said U Khin Maung Win to CNI News.

Although the Kalay-Tamu Road has been reopened, the trade between Tamu and India has not been able to be conducted due to racial riots taking place in India reportedly. 

The Kalay-Tamu road can be used from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and it can be convenient for ones who take citizen registration cards with them when they use the road, said Tamu residents.