CNI News

9 September 2023

Reviews and discussions are underway among the political community whether the way the three ASEAN countries including the rotating chairman of the ASEAN will take responsibility to handle the Myanmar issue can work or not.

There was an agreement at the ASEAN summit held in Jakarta, Indonesia to enable the current rotating chairman and the two former chairmen to handle the Myanmar issue in a new method.

The style that will be used now creates a condition that can continue to handle from the way ASEAN chairman is currently handling the Myanmar issue, said U Thar Tun Hla, chairman of the Arakan National Party (ANP), to CNI News.

" ASEAN chairmanship changes once a year. So, in order to enable the way Indonesia is currently handling the Myanmar issue to continue, this method is used, I think. We'll have to wait and see how effective it will be." said U Thar Tun Hla.

People protesting against the Myanmar Tatmadaw

Due to the political landscapes that changed after 1st February, 2021, Myanmar is facing with crises.

Although ASEAN countries agreed to five-points consensus to solve these political crises, they have not been able to implement the consensus. So, after changing its handling style, ASEAN decided to allow three ASEAN countries to handle the Myanmar issue reportedly.

ASEAN is trying to solve the Myanmar issue in their own way, said Col. Saw Kyaw Nyunt, spokesperson of the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST), to CNI News.

Security forces are arresting protesters

" They (ASEAN members) are trying to solve the problem in their own way. According to our experience, we haven't seen any improvement in the reality during the past over two years. There might be different opinions on this." said Col. Saw Kyaw Nyunt.

To solve the Myanmar issue, Cambodia, Indonesia and Lao will take responsibility until the end of 2023 and Indonesia, Lao and Malaysia, in 2024 reportedly.