CNI News

8 September 2023

If traders and government servants work correctly, centralization system can be weakened, said businessmen and economists. As the current Myanmar economy has changed to centralization system from market economy, the people are facing with difficulties. 

Moreover, because restrictions on import and export, and controlling domestic trade have arisen, the people are suffering from higher commodity prices with unsmooth flow of goods.

If traders were fraudulent and government staffs didn't work correctly, market economic system could be weak and centralization system could be strong, said U Thet Zaw, an economic analyst, to CNI News. 

If we want the centralization system to weaken, traders need to work correctly and government servants need to carry out exactly." said U Thet Zaw.


Supporters of the market economy don't like the government's intervention on price limitation and allocation of licenses reportedly. However, the current economy of Myanmar is the mixture of market economy and some government interventions. Government interference in local businesses can cause the economy to decline and the public to suffer from crisis, concluded the market advisors and businessmen.

" I don't like the red-tape system or centralization system in which you can go on working only if you inform a senior official. Because we don't like a system like this, we pushed to apply a democratic system. But, the problem is that middle officials don't dare do anything without the knowledge of higher-ups because they don't want to take the responsibility. So, things that shouldn't be delayed are being delayed. Some issues are related to each individual. If the official is traveling, you have to wait until he returns from his trip. The official don't tell to do without his knowledge. But if the government servants work with responsibility and accountability, it will be better." said U Aung Pyae Sone, a businessman.

People from basic class

The centralization in economy must be reduced little by little, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council. According to the market demand, important commodities such as rice, edible oil and fuel should not controlled and the government should intervene some sectors that need stability, said businessmen.

Moreover, the government need to provide more support to the rice and oilseed sectors, they pointed out.

It is difficult to get permits for trading industries and export/import and it is also difficult to import goods from abroad. Moreover, illegal trade has been closed as well, said traders and businessmen.