CNI News

August 31, 2023

A civilian government could appear before 2026, said Naing Than Shwe, spokesperson of the Mon Unity Party to CNI News. 

It is still necessary to watch under what situation a general election could be held and there is a situation in which the election could be held, he said." I believe that a general election will be held. But we are still watching under what situation a general election could be held. We have expected that a civilian government could appear in abut 2026 and a general election could be held in 2025." he said.  

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing came and cast ballots in the 2020 general election  

The final goal of the State Administration Council was to hold a general election and must carry out to ensure the people to cast ballots safely, which Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun said at the SAC's 22nd news conference held on 22nd August, 2023." Everybody's rights to vote must not be lost.There must be a proper election. We aim to make this election happen. We'll serve to enable most of the people to participate safely. When the people cast ballots,they must be free fromm fear. We'll carry out to make the election fair and proper. After that, we'll hand over power (to the winning party)." said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun.

On the other hand, as the government wouldn't be ready to take the rotating ASEAN chairmanship in 2026 because of its domestic issues, it will take the chairmanship in 2027, which was reported by media. So,there are reviews among the political community whether a civilian government will appear before 2026 or not.

While the votes are being counted

The State Administration Council doesn't seem to be ready to take the ASEAN chairmanship, sai U Kwan Kayaung Aung Kham, a Kachin politician to CNI News." They don't seem to take the rotating chairmanship. So, they seemed to tell that they wouldn't take the chairmanship in 2026. Myanmar didn't take the chairmanship under U Than Shwe as well. Now, they don't seem to take the chairmanship in 2026. So, they seemed to tell that they would take the chairmanship only after 2026." he said.

The SAC that has taken power have said that it would hand over power to the winning party after holding a general election.