CNI News

August 30, 2023

Passport renewal for Myanmar citizens in South Korea will be temporarilysuspended starting from 1st September, 2023 and the day that renewal can beapplied will be announced soon, stated the Myanmar Embassy in South Koreaon 28th August, 2023. The suspension like this was because the machine that
issues passports needed maintenance. 

It would be okay for Myanmar citizens whose passports are going to expire if they could explain to South Korean immigration officers pretty well when they apply for visa renewal, said Ko Khant Ne Kyi, officer in charge from the supporting center for migrant workers, to CNI News.

" You must be able to explain to the South Korean immigration officersthat Myanmar Embassy has temporarily suspended the passport renewal. After
that, they will renew your visa. Because South Korea is a democraticcountry, if your explanation is reasonable, exceptionally they will review,
which is included in their constitution. According to the law, you can'trenew your visa if your passport expires. However, as a humanitarian act,they are renewing visas of some people even after their passports haveexpired. There are people who have renewed their visas even three timesalthough their passports had expired for six months each time." he said.

Burmese workers arriving at an airport in Korea

But according to the statement, those who had applied for passport renewalbefore would be issued on the dates designated. Moreover, G-1 visas have
been issued to some citizens including ones from Myanmar and Ukraine as ahumanitarian act. But if a person travels with a G-1 visa, he must have a
passport that is still 6 months valid and when Myanmar citizens who havegot G-1 visas renew their passports, they don't tend to show these visa
books reportedly.

Because the foods that have been forbidden are often found from Myanmarworkers who enter South Korea at the airports, the bags of Myanmar citizens
are checked for longer, stated the labor office of the embassy in Seoul.Forbidden items were seized and their owners had to pay the fine and
passports were recorded. Moreover, Those who took forbidden items with themwere found every week and those arrested would be denied entry, said in the statement.

Betel leaf discovered by Burmese at the airport

" We need to widely inform of the people about that. May be it's becauseour citizens outnumber other citizens who enter South Korea. While 10 other
citizens enters, we, 100, enter the South Korea. About one or two monthsago, a Myanmar citizen was caught with narcotic drug. if possible, don't
take foods with you. There are many restaurants here. You want to eat whatyou like here in South Korea." said Ko Khant Ne Kyi.

There are about 50,000 Myanmar people who are working with EPS system inSouth Korea and those who are studying and doing business there as well
reportedly. That's why Myanmar Embassy has raised the fine for passportloss or damage from 75 to 105 US dollars in July when passports are appliedfor new ones.