CNI News

August 29, 2023

Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok has released a statement that officials will carry out for MoU renewal with one stop service in Myawady and Kawthaung so that Myanmar MoU workers in Thailand don't have to go back to Yangon like before. 

The renewal in those towns applies only Myanmar MoU workers whose passports are two years and above valid, said in the statement. The statement was too late because many workers had registered and applied for work permit card after cancelling MoU process as it would take them long if they went back to Yangon to renew MoU, those who perform migrant workers affairs told CNI News.

" Helping Myanmar migrant workers like this is good. There will be no problem for the workers who can directly meet their agencies without too much expense. But workers who came through other brokers can find it difficult. Those who will come to Myawady and Kawthaung and renew  _ (1) what they must do first, (2) what they must do secondly (3) what they must do thirdly, which are needed to be released systematically. As a worker, If about 450 or 500 bahts cost hime, he can afford when he has to come to Myawady or Kawthaung. But when a worker through agency was called, if he was asked 2,000 to 3,000 bahts, it won't be convenient." said Ko Naing Naing Aung, director of the Arakan Workers Organization.

Myanmar workers

As the process that could make workers re-enter the workplace in a few days would start soon with one stop service, to let HR managers and officials know was needed and the day when the process would start and process details would be stated again, said in the statement. As many MoU workers have had other evidence documents, they will not renew MoU after going back to Myanmar, those who carry out migrant workers affairs review.

" Of the MoU workers, this plan means workers with four year term MoU. It doesn't apply to 6 year term MoU workers. If the workers have to renew MoU at the border, during one month, living will cost a lot. Most of the workers might not choose this route. To tell you relating to the workers from factories, their employers and managers have connected with brokers and agencies. The workers are in a situation that they have to pay the price that is asked from there. It is possible if the employers pay for their workers." said U Min Oo, in charge of labor affairs from FED.

Some Myanmar MoU workers whose passports are only one year valid are staying and working in Thailand without returning to Myanmar reportedly. When a person applies for a new passport, the fine for loss or damage must be paid 3,650 bahts, stated Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok on 31st July.