CNI News

29 August 2023

A Shanni woman, owner of a restaurant in Lonkhin Village, Hpakant Township was abducted by KIA/PDF joint forces on 25th August, said locals. 
There has been no contact with the woman until 28th August reportedly.

The woman who was abducted was Daw Shwe Yi, a Shanni woman and the owner of Thadar Moe Restaurant and four KIA/PDF joint forces came and abducted her at about 7 p.m., on 23th August,2023, said a person close to her family to CNI News.
 " Four KIA/PDF joint forces came and took her away from her home at about 7 p.m. on 25th August on their motorcycles. There has been no contacts with her for the time being. Her family members are inquiring about her. And they are a bit scared." he said.

It is not yet known why the woman was arrested and there have been three people, including the woman that KIA/PDF joint forces arrested in Hpakant Township, he added.

Entrance to Hpakant Town

Although CNI tried to contact and aske KIA's information officer Colonel Nawbu about the arrest, it has not been able to contact with him.

According to the 1947 constitution, Shanni regions - Myitkyina District, Mohnyin District ans Bhamo District were added to Kachin State and Shanni regions - Kalay District, Khamti District, Mawlaik District, Katha District and Tamu District were added to Sagaing Region reportedly. 
The Shannis have been demanding for ages to unite these districts and form the Shanni State and Shanni activists are often targeted and killed by KIA/PDFs, an official from the Shan Tribal Affairs Organization told CNI News.

" Bo Tun Yin demanded to form Shanni State and then we have been demanding ceaselessly, which they are not satisfied with. They killed heads of Shanni, chairmen of the Shanni Literature and Culture and Shanni village administers. 706 Shanni people were killed until 31st December, 2022." he said.  

Shanni National Conference was being held in February, 2016

KIA/PDF joint forces took away Sayadaw U Gandamar, from Naung Pat Village in Banmauk Township on 4th September, 2022 and killed him. After that, U Than Pe, patron of the Shanni Literature and Culture, who lived in Haungpa Village, Hpakant Township, Kachin State was killedon on 25th June, 2022.  

Sai Kyan Aung (b) Sai Se Lai, vice chairman of Banmauk Shanni Youths Network was arrested by KIA/PDF joint forces on 15th June, 2022, but he was released because Shanni civil societies and Shanni political parties demanded to release him.