CNI News

28 August 2023

Kyauk Phyu, Dawei, and Thilawa special economic zones need to be implemented as soon as possible because they could support the development of the country, said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the State Administration Council. 

He said that above at the meeting of the Economic Committee held on 25th August, 2023.

Myanmar has already had special economic zones and industrial zones and there were less development because there were no effective actions to improve, said chairman of the SAC.

" Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zones, Dawei Special Economic Zone and Thilawa Special Economic Zone can help not only for the economy and development of Myanmar but also for those of regional countries, so officials need to carry out to get the fast progress”said Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing.

Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing at the meeting of the Economic Committee on 25th August 2023

There are greedy business people who prioritize their own interest. On the other hand, there are also business people who are supporting the country's economic development and they must be encouraged by the State, he said.

In the Market-oriented economic system, the government's interfere must be reduced as much as possible. But the government is unavoidably controlling and adjusting because of the current economic sanctions and attacks, said chairman of the SAC. 

Currently, Kyauk Phyu, Dawei and Thilawa special economic zones cannot be implemented because Myanmar political landscape has changed into armed conflicts after 1st February 2021.

Because of being unable to implement the special economic zones, an inflow of foreign money has decreased and economic recovery is weak.