CNI News

25 August 2023

Tourists from China and India who will come to Myanmar will be given visas on arrival, U Aung Aye Han, deputy director general of the Ministry of Hotel and Tourism told CNA News. 

Although it is not known exactly when visas on arrival will be issued to these tourists, it is likely to start in the next open season, he added.

" They are our neighboring countries and most of tourists who go abroad are from these countries. Moreover, most of tourists who come to our country are from these countries as well. So, we have planned to give the visas on arrival to the tourists from these countries. Other countries might be given visa on arrival, I think. After knowing early the news that will give visa on arrival, If the marketing is conducted in their countries, the number of tourists who will come to Myanmar can increase. We can't grant visa on arrival. It just belong to the foreign affairs and immigration departments." he said.

Chinese tourists in Bagan

In 2019, Myanmar granted visa on arrival to India and China, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Hotel and Tourism, over 13,000 Indian tourists entered Myanmar through the Yangon Airport during the first four months that year.

In the same way, 520,000 Chinese tourists entered Myanmar from January to September in 2019.  

Whether visa on arrival is granted or not should depend on the number of tourists who came to the country, said U Zaw Weik, chairman of the Myanmar Hoteliers Association (Bagan Zone) to CNI News.

"When we are unable to get up on our own for the time being, we need help to get up again. According to the current situation, we are making plans to make visitors enter. After granting visas on arrival, we have to study whether it has produced positive impact or negative impact. Depending on the results, we might increase or reduce visa on arrival. The government should do so." he said.

Foreign tourists at the airport

Not only India and China, South Korea, Japan and Russia would also be granted visa on arrival, according to businessmen. 

If the visa on arrival was granted, because more foreign tourists might enter, the government should ease restrictions on foreign tourists who want to come to northern Shan State, said U Zaw Zaw, chairman of Northern Shan State Hotelier Association to CNI News.

" I don't think tourists are allowed to come to northern Shan State. There is not in a situation to be able to grant visa on arrival for northern Shan State, that they have reviewed, I think. Tourist should be allowed to come to Lashio, I think." he added.

The number of foreign tourists who entered Myanmar was about 3.55 million in 2018, over 4.5 million in 2019, over 800,000 in 2020, 120,000 in 2021, over 360,000 from April 2022 to March 2023, according to the statistics of the ministry of hotel and tourism.