CNI News

21 August 2023

While the State Administration Council (SAC) and the National Unity Government (NUG) are competing in the international diplomatic affairs, as Mr.Martin Griffiths, head of the  United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) and party met with Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, chairman of the SAC, there are reviews among the political community relating to how the diplomatic change will become. 

Head of the UNOCHA met with chairman of the SAC and discussed about settling the refugee problems in Myanmar in Naypyidaw on 15the August that the SAC reported.

It was possible that head of the UNOCHA came to Myanmar so as to be able to help natural disaster victims and IDPs, said U Li Paw Reh, chairman of the Lisu National Development Party ( Dulei Party) to CNI News.

Mr. Martin Griffiths, head of the UNOCHA, was meeting with Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing on 15th August 2023

" If there are refugees in the territories that can be controlled by the government, UN will collaborate with the government. In the same way, if there are refugees in the territories that can be controlled by the NUG, UN will collaborate with the NUG. UN came here just to help cyclone victims and all the rest refugees, without having anything to do with political affairs. (the) NUG and (the) SAC may talk politically about whether they are recognized or not. But UN came here just to help, that I conclude like that." he said.  

Due to the vote fraud during the 2020 general election, it has taken power in accordance with the 2008 constitution and is carrying out to enable the country to continue going on the road to multi-party democracy, said in a statement released by the SAC Refugee problems have not been able to be solved since the Tatmadaw took power, so it was possible that UN came and met with the SAC, said U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political analyst.

 Mr. Martin Griffiths, head of the UNOCHA, was meeting with Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing on 15th August 2023

" According to the official statistics, there are over three million refugees. UN is demanding to solve the problem of these people. Because the military council did not allow the UN aid plans, UN aid operations are being disrupted. It shows that how much merciless the military leader towards the people. That is why Rakhine, which has been affected by the Mocha storm to this day, has not yet recovered. So, there are reportedly requirements to provide assistance to the people affected by the cyclone Mocha that hit on May 14 in Rakhine.”he Said.

According to the latest figures that was released by the UN, there are over 1.9 million IDPs as of 31st July 2023 throughout the country. 

1.6 million people had to displace due to armed conflicts and insecurity that arose after the Tatmadaw took power on 1st February 2021, said in a statement released by the UN.