CNI News

19 August 18, 2023

The Tatmadaw are using howitzers at the battles breaking out in Kayah State, said revolutionary forces. 

If a war broke out, excessive use of force had not been limited and advanced technologies were being used in the current battles, said Dr.Aung Myo, a Myanmar political analyst to CNI News.

" If a war breaks out, no matter how many enemies there are, you can choose and use a weapon what you like and shoot. There is no limit at a war. But there is limit in crime-fighting and building urban peace. In other words, there's limit in police duty that is not related to war. If the police use excessive force, they are guilty. But at a war, you can shoot an enemy with a cannon. Nothing more to say about it." he said.

A howitzer cannon of Myanmar Tatmadaw

The current attack style of the  Tatmadaw was using more weapons rather than manpower, he added. 

CNI news agency has not been able to confirm separately in relation to that the Tatmadaw used howitzer at the battles in Kayah State. 

The Tatmadaw shot to the western side of Demawso Township with cannon four times on 16th August and at present, there is a military tense between the two sides reportedly.

The Tatmadaw would go on fighting all out to ensure that it can continue to govern the country, said U Kyee Myint, a Myanmar political analyst to CNI News.

A howitzer cannon of Myanmar Tatmadaw

" They will be cruel all out because they want to rule for life. They don't want to negotiate with anyone. if they negotiated, they would stay from above and negotiate. Take what they give and eat what they feed. No one can accept. They brutally suppressed those who rebelled against them They burned down over 80,000 houses in Sagaing and Magway Regions. Pagodas and monasteries were ruined. And so in Chin State, Kachin, Kayin States. Kayah is damaged the worst." he said.

Battles have been breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the armed organizations in Kayah State - the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF), Karenni Army (KA), Moebye PDF, Pekon PDF and Karenni Revolution Union (KRU) after the Tatmadaw took power on 1st February 2021. 
According to ISP Myanmar, over 600 houses and buildings were set fire during the first six months of 2023 due to the battles in Kayah State.