CNI News

17 August 2023

Myanmar migrant workers who registered in the name list in the end of July have not been officially allowed to change employers and workplaces, said the people helping Myanmar migrant workers, to CNI News. 

At present, those who have registered in the name list have been allowed to stay and work until September and they are not allowed to change employers and workplace before employee identification cards are issued for new employees reportedly.

" According to the law, employees are allowed to work with current employers. But they are not allowed to go work beyond the designated area. The current Thai government has extended the rights to work for the workers who have registered in the name list until September. These workers are not allowed to go and work beyond the designated area. If a migrant worker even has necessary documents, he can't go to another employer if the employer accepts. They both are guilty" said Ko Naing Aung Aung, director of the Arakan Workers Organization.

Migrant workers waiting in line to make labor cards at the Thai border

However, the workers can change their employers and workplace in some provinces reportedly. But some migrant workers who have registered in the name list till the end of July do not have employers. 

So, they ask brokers and agents to be their employers nominally. When registering in the name list, if the employer and the workplace were the same, it would be better, said U Min Oo, in charge of workers affairs from FED to CNI News.

So, when employers need workers, they call workers from the agents and according to the situation, migrant workers tend to change employers and workplaces reportedly.

A factory's workshop in Thailand

Employers who have connected with the agencies might ask the number of workers they want. Agencies will send the workers because they get service charge. 
So, those workers can work there. But the name of their employer is their agency. You can't change your employer obviously at a time like this. Authorities can take actions against those who illegally have change their employers if they inspect and find that.

Only when a new Thai government has been formed already, those have registered can start taking new employer identification cards and the rights to work for those who registered in the name list probable will be extended one month after another reportedly.