CNI News

17 August 2023 

After battles broke out around the Naypyidaw council territory, military and political analysts are discussing about if there is a concern in Naypyidaw.

Apart from the villages around Naypyidaw/Pyinmana township, Boma Thantaung army camp of the Tatmadaw was attacked by the PDF reportedly. 

There is less chance of severe battles to break out in Naypyidaw and the most severe battles could break out in Yangon, said U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political analyst, to CNI News.

Yangon-Naypyidaw Road

" Such a situation has not yet arrived. People think that there will be fierce battles in Naypyidaw because senior officials of the military council live there. According to our international experience, the places, such as Naypyidaw, where military dictators live does not tend to be the last battle." he said.

As part of "All Roads to Naypyidaw" Operation, the access to the roads in Bago Region and Mon State had been restricted, said in a statement released by the southern regional sub-command under the NUG Ministry of Defense on 1st July. 
The construction of their military sub-regions in and around Naypyidaw had been completed and there has been already insecurity in Naypyidaw where the State Administration Council (SAC) is based, said Yebaw Yar Kyaw, the battalion commander of the Naypyidaw PDF, to the Spring Voice news agency.

Naypyidaw security forces (Frontier)

"Taungdwin Myothit and Natmauk on the west side of Naypyidaw, Meiktila and Pyaw Bwe on the north side and Tatkon and Yamethin on the east side _ areas around Naypyidaw are grouped and we built the Naypyidaw Military Sub-region and we tried to be able to exist up to now." he said.

The organizations that are taking part in the armed conflict were doing more propaganda and there has been no prospect of decisive battles yet, said Col. Khun Okka, a leader of an ethnic armed organization to CNI News.

"I don't want to criticize that matter. I had ever taken part in the jungle military for about 40 years. I had ever been deeply involved in the revolution. I have also fought with a group of troops. I used to fight with a group. We had tried variously forming northern joint army group, southern joint army group and middle joint army group. To judge by appearances, there are many forms like James Bond or Rambo. It's not like a real operation. They use more propaganda. There will be no decisive battles in the near future." he said.

At present, battles are breaking out between the Tatmadaw and some EADs/PDF joint forces in Kayin, Kayah, Chin States, Sagaing and Magway Regions.