CNI News

16 August 2023

Myanmar citizens have increasingly bought and rented condos in Bangkok more than last year, said Bangkok condo operators to CNI News. 

If there were condo  sales fairs, condos were sold more and if there were no condo sales fairs, condos are regularly sold, said a Bangkok condo seller to CNI News. 

" In comparison with the last year, buying and renting condos have increased this year. We didn't have to sell many condos during a month last year. But this year, we could sell about five condo apartments a month if there's not any condo sales fairs. If there are condo sales fairs, we can sell about 15 condo apartments. Prices are from about 2,500 lakhs to 8,000 lakhs.   This year, buying condos has increased a lot starting from June. Bangkok condos probably are sold a lot is because the value of Myanmar kyat is falling." he said.

If the value of Myanmar kyat fall any more, there will be more investment in buying condos, said Bangkok condo sellers.

Those who come and study condo showrooms

At present, some companies has increased buying condos and others don't buy many condos. 

The companies that don't buy many condos have turned to renting condos reportedly. 

Among the condo renters, there are more Myanmar and Chinese nationals, said an official from Bangkok-Myanmar Property and Life Style, to CNI News.

" I have turned to renting condos recently. I don't rarely sell because the money transfer fee has risen. You can't rent monthly. But you can rent at least 6 months or one year. Myanmar nationals bought many condos earlier because their children would study here. Now they are renting condos. There are different rents from 8,000 bahts to 35,000-40,000-60,000-100,000 bahts. About three people regularly come and rent condos a month. Nobody has rented a house as yet." she said.

The condo apartment that is paid eight thousand baht is as spacious as a room. 

Because most of Myanmar nationals come and stay with their families, they tend to rent condos that is paid at least 15,000 bahts and above reportedly. Myanmar nationals bought 188 apartments in Chinmai alone in Thailand in 2022 and in terms of value, it was 1.34 billion bahts mentioned in the Thai Enquirer.