CNI News
30 July 2023

Due to the administrative rivalry between the Arakan Army (AA) and the State Administration Council (SAC), Rakhine locals are finding it difficult to report for damages coming from the weak rule of law reportedly.

Although robberies are rampant in Sittwe where the SAC's administration is based, they have not been able to take actions against, said Ko Kyaw Min Khaing, a local from Rakhine State to CNI News.

" There were thefts only in the past. But now, not only thefts there are also robberies, assaults, and murders. It's because there are a lot of weaknesses between AA's administration and the SAC's one. It's also because there are weak accountability and responsibility between the two sides, I think. Both sides tend to chase and arrest anyone who they want in urban area. But if a robbery arises, neither of the two sides takes actions against effectively. That's why the robberies have become more daring." he said.  Urban residents live with anxiety without mental security because robberies and murders have increased, said Ma Thein May a Sittwe resident. " when the robberies like that are taking place, as a woman, I feel insecure. Am I safe if I go out? And because we are all women living together, it's getting worse." she said to CNI News.  

A robbery was occurring at a gold shop in Rakhine State

The motorcycles are stolen and phones are robbed and there are also murders in Sittwe Township. In the same way, there are house burglaries and robberies in gold shops in Mrauk U, Kyauktaw and Taunggoke, said locals.

Two robberies occurred near Sittwe University while students were riding in a taxi in the 2022-2023 academic year, said Sittwe University Students Union on 10th February 2023. Moreover, the two youths heisted a gold shop near the Town Hall in Taunggoke on 28th July, 2023, said locals.  

locals from Rakhine State

On 7th April, 2023, a young man heisted a gold shop with a fake gun in Mrauk U Township reportedly. Although there are no battles between the Tatmadaw and AA at present, there are competitions in administrative sector and in organizing the publics reportedly.  

Although thefts and robberies are taking place every now and then in some townships in Rakhine State, locals are finding it difficult without knowing which organization they should ask for help, said locals.