CNI News
30 July 2023

The chairman of the State Administration Council should deliver a speech that can capture the hearts of the people and ethnic armed organizations, said U Kyaw Zeya, former member of Hluttaw to CNI News.

Because that the six months had been extended will expire on 31st July, the speech the chairman of the SAC would deliver to the State whether he would extend the state of emergency for another six months or not was important, he said.

" What I want to give a bit of advice, the National Defense and Security Council is called and at that meeting, the speech Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing will deliver to the State is very important. The kinds of phrases that can capture the hearts of the people and ethnic armed groups should be chosen to put in the speech. Some people who are better than me know what kinds of phrases should be chosen. The phrases like that should be carefully chosen." he said to CNI News.

People who support Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

That the state of emergency had been extended in accordance with the Section 425 of the constitution on 31st January will expire on 31st July.

There are various comments among political circle about whether the state of emergency can be extended for another six months or not and what kind of political landscape can arise.

The chairman of the SAC should deliver a speech that help to make the country stable rather than speaking about the SAC's political objectives, said U Kyaw Zeya.

" He have repeatedly talked about political objectives and religion. So, he should deliver a speech that can capture the hearts of the people. They(the Tatmadaw and its supporters) don't want to very much recognize, but they must know the reality. The reality here means Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's current situation. In any case, she still has power to an extent.That must be talked. The speech Sr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing will deliver on 31st July to the people should be the one that can work for the stability of the country that I'd like to advise." he said.

People demanding democracy

The Tatmadaw ousted the NLD government on 1st February 2021 after saying that NLD tried to form a government without solving the ballot dispute that took place in the 2020 general election and has declared the state of emergency.

The state of emergency was two years long in January 2023.

Although that the emergency period was extended for six months in accordance with the Section 425 of the constitution will expire on 31st July, the SAC has the rights to extend the state of emergency for another six months.

An interim or transitional government might be formed without extending for another six months, commented the people from the local political circle.