CNI News

28 July 2023

Media coverage impacts peace, stability,development and unity a lot and so, media need to be ones that help to build unity, said U Maung Maung Ohn, Information Minister of the State Administration Council. He said as above at the workshop on the four pillars held in Horizon Lake View on 26th July, 2023.  

The workshop was intended to build mutual-respect relations between the media, the fourth pillar, and three other pillars _ legislation, administration and judiciary based on media ethics and develop cooperation, to develop Myanmar news media, to win more rights to information independently, to build better relations among the four pillars and mutual collaboration regarding rights to information, said in the report.

"Media called the fourth pillar is serving the duty to make three other pillars correct on behalf of the people and so it's necessary to perform mutually regarding the rights to information and reportings by media very much impact on the country's peace, stability, development and unity, so media need to be ones that help to build unity." said U Maung Maung Ohn, Information Minister of the SAC.

 the meeting of the four pillars was being held

No matter what political system was applied, unity among the government, the people and organizations all was needed and the media should carry out emphatically to strengthen these situations, he added.

" It's nice to hold a meeting among the four pillars, but I wonder how many reporters who learned journalism and are hunting news with journalistic standards came here. If only they attended, we could know transparently what's happening really. If so-called reporters who are standing on only one side or who have never been  journalists attended, it would be difficult to find the way to close the gap among the four pillars, I think. Every government tends to see journalists as enemies or critics rather than as friends. Because pieces of information were not released or answered in real time, it would be weak in building the peace and stability of the country.The public is trapped between misinformation. To overcome that, the authorities must open the freedom of the press and release the information in real time. Journalists must report in accordance with the journalistic standards." said a news media person.

Ma Kay Zin Nwe from Myanmar Now news agency was being arrested on 27th February 2021

The Tatmadaw toppled down the NLD government on 1st February, 2021 after saying that the NLD was trying to form a government without solving the ballot dispute that took place in the 2008 general election and had announced the state of emergency.

After that, the freedom of the press was reduced when news media persons were arrested and news agencies were closed.

On the other hand,some journalists are weak to abide by the journalistic standards and have been reporting for the sake of the side they are supporting and become weak in scrutinizing facts and information on the ground.