CNI News

27 July 2023

Assaulting the State Administration Council (SAC) was related to protecting the lives and properties of the people, so revolutionary activities needed to be expanded, said Duwa Lashi La, acting president of the National Unity Government (NUG).

The public was suffering from monetary inflation after the announcement of the Central Bank that it would print new 20,000 Kyat notes and SAC was replenishing foreign currency by all possible means, he said.

" If you look back at the history of our country, you will find repeatedly successive military regimes have applied random policy and not taken care of the public affairs. Now, without understanding the side-effects, SAC is printing new 20,000 Kyat notes. The people are struggling with daily living costs. So, members of our NUG need to expand revolutionary activities with a broader perspective." he said.

Members of the NUG

Moreover, the Tatmadaw was desperately in need of money for the military cost and was taking the easy way out by printing new banknotes, he added.

The public was experiencing losses amidst the current political crisis, said U Sein Win, former member of Pyithu Hluttaw to CNI News.

"In my opinion, the spring revolution can't succeed. As you know, since the beginning, they have been doing things that are not right.If you want the people to be part of a revolution, you need to gain their trust. Some people take sides with (revolutionary elements) but not because they like. On the other hand, some people don't like that the Tatmadaw has kept the power. Others don't like the way the Spring Revolution has carried out. At last, the people are suffering. Revolutionary elements are saying they will win by relying on the online media. I want to tell them. They can't get the power. I know better who is talented or who is not talented because I had worked in the NLD party" he said.  

The Tatmadaw was performing security 

The Tatmadaw overthrew the NLD government on 1st February, 2021, having said that NLD was trying to form a government without solving the vote list dispute that took place in the 2020 general election. 
After that, Some NLD MPs and members of the Central Executive Committee are waging an armed revolution in collaboration with some armed organizations.

The armed conflict is taking place widely in Sagaing Region, Chin, Kayah and Kayin States.2023 is the decisive year for the armed revolution which the acting president of the NUG has said.